Thursday, July 24, 2014

3 Simple Steps to Improve Appointment Show Rates

Using these 3 simple steps, your dealership will see a vast improvement in appointment show rates.

by Don Queen, CEO
Dealer Force

Step 1. Don't set an appointment more than 5 day's out

So the customer is interested an appointment, now it's time to close (closed ended questions only!)..."Can you make it in today or would tomorrow be better for you?" Always try to get them in sooner rather than later, it's part of selling the sense of urgency for the offer (we'll discuss the 'Intangibles' of the phone call in our next blog). If they state they aren't available until next week (or more than 5+ days), it's a good idea to set a scheduled call back when you can book a solid date. Our agents book dozens of appointment daily from their scheduled call backs, don't be scared to call back!

As a general rule, only set an appointment if the customer can come in within the next 5 days. Any further out than that, the likelihood of a show diminishes greatly. Simply set a scheduled call back for a more convenient time, then set a firm date and time within the next 5 days.

Step 2. Re-confirm the appointment, on the call

So you booked the appointment, now what? While still on the phone call and after all contact/appointment data has been properly logged, simply re-confirm the date and time works form them.

I like to use this line in our scripts to help create a sense of connection and responsibility for making the appointment: "Lastly Mike, I want to confirm one... more... time... the date and time definitely works for you, I'm accountable for appointments that don't show so I can count on you to be there, right?"

Subconsciously and consciously, the agent is painting a picture that says: "I'm not twisting your arm here, right? I'll get in trouble if you don't show!" This simple line helps solidify a quality appointment that will show.

Step 3. Confirm the appointment via text, e-mail message & phone call

With the world more mobile than ever, most people today use text, cell phones and email as their primary means of communication. Confirming the appointment becomes almost as important as setting the appointment in the first place. Sending a timely reminder message helps keep your appointment at the top of their list for that day.

We use a straightforward confirmation process:
  • When initially booked, send an email & text confirmation.
  • If a morning appointment, call the afternoon or evening before
  • If an afternoon/evening appointment, call the morning of
  • Send another reminder text & e-mail 2-4 hours prior
  • If need be, place another confirmation call 2 hours prior (if 6+ hrs between initial call & appt)
Most dealer-centric CRM systems come integrated with email and text functionality, so initiating a solid confirmation process should be fairly seamless for most operations. 

Taking these 3 simple steps will help you improve your show rate on appointments, in most cases by upwards to 15%. Good luck and happy selling! 

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