Thursday, July 16, 2015

Direct Mail and the BDC

Even in 2015, direct mail is still an effective marketing medium that thousands of automotive dealerships rely on to generate new sales leads. Social media, television, email, and other targeted promotional channels may have for  the most part taken the 'lead' in terms of generating new dealership sales opportunities, but direct mail still produces results and is widely used.

Everyone knows the numbers - direct mail on average, should produce a 1%-2% response rate. So if you send out 5k pieces, at least 50 customers to respond - simple stuff. Having a strong offer and clear call to action (i.e. call now, sign up now, etc.) are the easiest ways to improve your response rate, but for the most part, you can expect the typical 1% - 2% average.

Smart dealers however, have figured out a way proven to increase that 1%-2% to a whopping 10% - 15%... got your attention?!

It's not complicated or even a secret: mail campaigns bundled with professional call management (in other words, a BDC), makes a simple buy-back piece goes from the boring to KAAAAAZZZING!

How's that you ask?

The BDC solves the main challenge that has been a huge problem in the industry and affects both dealers without a BDC and those with one equally:
1. Most sales reps don't have the training, skill or the time to handle even a modest call volume
2. Most direct pieces include a phone number to call the dealership
3. Those missed and mishandled phone calls equal lost revenue potential
4. The inbound calls represent only a small fraction of the total opportunities - most marketing companies can supply approximately 15% of the total mailer list with phone numbers. Follow up to leads that did not respond will provide the additional 9% - 14% response (average for a fully staffed & trained BDC team)
5. The bottom line, direct mail is marketing medium whose core equation for success is comprised of two parts - 1) a compelling offer/call to action & 2) the dealership lead to appointment conversion.

Without the proper resources with the right training & skills, you're missing half of the answer. The BDC is the solution to the second half of the equation.

In summary, by utilizing the BDC in conjunction with your direct mail efforts, you will: A) connect with and convert more of your leads into showroom traffic, B) increase the overall response rate to your marketing efforts, C) reduce your average marketing spend per vehicle sold, D) sell more vehicles.

Happy Selling!

by Don Queen, CEO
Dealer Force

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